America Just Does Not Work Without Christianity

America Just Does Not Work Without Christianity

Quotes from President George Washington

  • “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible.”
  • “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained”
  • “It is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favors.”
  • “No people can be bound to acknowledge the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than the people of the United States. Every step by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency”

Great works are first visions in the mind of those who birth them from the invisible to the visible. The vision develops into a tangible form where others are able to appreciate it. What was a previous impossibility becomes a reality. This concept in manufacturing transfers the visionary’s idea into a workable model or product. Theories are developed into the physical components that make the product perform its visualized purpose. The theories of car manufacturers are worked into tangible products that come off the production line as cars we enjoy without concern of the behind-the-scene process that brought it together. If the car breaks down and we take it to a mechanic who uses substitute parts for repair, it could fail to operate as originally designed. What if an incompetent mechanic decided certain parts were not needed and left them on the shop floor, returning your key to you for continuous driving? Your car would not provide the same experience as the original design. The parts left out may have been key components with seemingly insignificant value but necessary for the smooth operation of the car. Competent mechanics would not be so foolish as to leave out parts of a car designed by the manufacturer. They would get the manufacturer’s guide for the car, find out how the original design worked and put the parts in their rightful places, knowing that every part plays a role in the design of the car.

Scholars from the science and faith communities still try to figure out how the world was created and how it continues to work. There are many theories being adopted and accepted by brilliant minds and then there is God’s answer recorded for all posterity in the bible. The resounding question is what or who created the earth? Everyone examining the evidence acknowledges that it was a miraculous process that brought about life as we know it today. Some agree that there was intelligent design involved in the process rather than the common theories of evolution or spontaneous combustion. Can a car question the manufacturer’s design? Can a bird figure out who made it or why it flies? No, birds merely trust in the Maker and continue to soar. The earth is wonderfully made in such splendor and magnificence that defies our understanding. One could spend a lifetime just examining one aspect of the earth and still have merely scratched the surface of its amazing design. How then can man probe the mind of its Manufacturer or defy His design?

The bible is the manufacturer’s guide for man and the earth. It clearly states that God is the Creator. Many that have tried to redefine or defy God’s creation have long disappeared off the face of the earth but God and His word still remain the same. Biblical Job was a man of enormous wealth and wisdom. He was a devout believer, trusting in God for everything. But in a time of severe trouble, Job found himself wanting to box with God. Here is the biblical account of his encounter with God.

Job said: “Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat!

I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments.” Job 23:3-4

After Job had fully laid out his heart in debate and anger, God responded to Job. It is important here to note that God was listening. This great man of fame, wisdom, wealth and faith in God ran into his Manufacturer who demanded to know why Job dared question his maker.

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Job 38:4

Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said, Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth God, let him answer it. Then Job answered the LORD, and said, Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will proceed no further. Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous? Job 40:1-8

There are people today that are politicians, actors, preachers, scientists, educators, the wealthy, etc. who like Job want to challenge the wisdom of God. They would be wise to read of those who came before them that had similar desires and consider their end.

Not only are there individuals today that want to box with God but the nation of America as a whole has decided to box with God. It goes without saying that the battle is futile but we all have our times when we challenge boundaries. What would be of little impact for one person who wanted to challenge God, nevertheless, would be devastating if a nation took this destructive path. God allows some who insist on their own way to have it until it devours them. Paul called it a reprobate mind in Romans 1:28.

If God is indeed the maker of man and the earth, as the bible states, would He not respond to those that question Him as Job did? God beacons: Come and let us reason together? (Isa 1:18) The maker of an item always provides rules for the smooth and successful operation of its product. God provided rules as well for the successful life of man. These rules were clearly laid out in Deuteronomy 28 for the Israelites that Moses led. The Ten Commandments given by God to Moses for the children of Israel was to show them their sinful ways and their need for a Savior. The wages of sin is still death but Christ, the Savior, came and bore that punishment for all who put their trust in His sacrificial death. God, like any manufacturer of a product, provides His assistance and warnings for misuse of the product. Continuous misuse of an item’s intended purpose brings its own destruction in due time.

America was birthed through the miraculous hand of God as He moved upon God-fearing men and women to bring about development of this nation. Christian faith led many religious denominations and many with faith in God to work together in building a nation where all men could live under God. We have seen the wonderful results of those before us who worked together for the good of the nation. America has prevailed through many internal and external struggles because of Christian virtue in its people. God honored their faith even when they struggled through many opinions to find the right path. Christianity prevailed as an anchor to hold this nation together but yet some now feel that it is no longer needed. Some that have failed to reach their Christian goal no longer want to contend for it. There are senior leaders holding important positions where the baton should have long ago passed to younger warriors to carry on the battle. Refusal to let go of power when the flame of passion has ceased blocks the potential of others that are needed. Our society will always need elderly wisdom for experienced insight and consultation.

America has enjoyed great material success, worldly wisdom and matured to the point of reaching out to help others of lesser strength, but its worldly wisdom also reveals a spirit of arrogance that defies dependence on God. Men and women of great fame, wealth and knowledge have challenged the truth about God. Their own human abilities have risen to the place of false gods. The first of the Ten Commandments and the whole bible warn of this danger of putting God away. World and biblical history are replete with lessons that advise against this attitude.

America was founded with a deep-seated respect for God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Stories of George Washington, a general of war and the first American President, illustrate great faith and reliance on the God of the bible. Washington prayed intensely to God for direction in battle and for the young nation. History records his faith and a prophetic vision given about the nation’s future. Here is a brief summary of the message and where it can be read in its entirety:

“Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union.” (

The graduation of the nation of America to maturity should cause it to look back and honor the God who brought it through many struggles to its present success. However, disrespect of one’s maker does not entitle one to continuous blessings.

We have seen moral decline of Christian leadership in America as well as a general disrespect of Christian principles. Christian churches have refused to stand up for Christ and His ways and the nation is suffering as a result. Professing Christians have given over the reins of leadership to non-Christians who use worldly wisdom to lead while Christians have lain back to enjoy their rest and prosperity. Many believers have not been properly taught how to live the Christian life and serve the Lord. Too many have been led by institution-taught pastors with little true experience with Christ. Lack of true Christian leadership has brought us to a deteriorating nation, where sinful ways are dominating. Abrupt changes and deterioration have caused the ungodly to not only advance but also to disfavor and discredit the Christian faith that laid the foundation of the nation. Christians have only a short time to arise and turn things around before the nation lose the strength of Christian leadership forever.   Other nations have traveled a similar path where turnaround is not possible unless God sends a Christian revival. Many now are hearing the trumpets of impending danger but have not gathered the strength to reverse their direction. God said: “I will get me unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they have known the way of the Lord, and the judgment of their God…” But before finishing this proposition, He offers: “but these have altogether broken the yoke, and burst the bonds (Jeremiah 5:5).”

Christian virtue has always caused people to walk in a godly way that respect others. America has prospered because she fought wars to uphold the weak and disadvantaged within its borders and without. Christ taught a principle of giving, where those who had plenty reached back to help those that did not. This principle of reciprocity blessed the nation during past years. Failure to continue in godly principles causes a nation to decline. Where Christianity has always promoted care and love for ones neighbor, the desire for wealth has led to greed where people connive and oppress others. The life lesson of wealthy Americans who failed due to corrupt ways has somehow escaped their knowledge. There are many stories of men of great wealth who had terrible results in their end.

America is experiencing a time where the wealthy are using any means necessary to gain more and the oppression of the weak is of no consequence to them. Ironically, Americans marvel at similar oppression used by those in foreign nations. But these types of situations cause the intervention of God to move on behalf of the oppressed. His defense of the oppressed comes at the detriment of the oppressors. It will affect all as God brings His correction. The Christian way of life laid the foundation for America and is the source of the American creed: “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…” Failure to maintain the Christian way and this solemn agreement before God will bring the consequences spelled out in Deuteronomy 28.

God’s call is for the Christian community to stand up and bring correction before He steps in with a radical correction that would cause many to suffer. The hearts of the wicked and unbelievers can be changed with the intercession of the Christian community if God’s people would arise and do the job they are called to do as Christian believers. “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).” Correction of the wicked will without a doubt include some who are professing to be Christians but who in reality are not. God is calling for us all to consider our ways and make sure we are walking in obedience before He comes to settle the issue of disobedience. God, the Father as our Maker, paid the ultimate price of the sacrifice of His own Son to provide mercy and forgiveness for every lost individual. God sent Christ so that mankind could know the Way that brings life, liberty and His great joy.

George Washington: “I am sure that never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the omnipotence of that God who is alone able to protect them.”

Let’s remember the history of America and have a Happy Independence Day this 4th of July.

7 thoughts on “America Just Does Not Work Without Christianity

    1. There has been many efforts to awaken the sleeping giant that is the Christian community to alert them to the fact that the house is on fire. They unfortunately do not believe the smoke without seeing the flames. Our Christian churches have produced performing Christians who do not understand the message of the bible. Their lack of understanding must be attributed to the ineffective teaching and examples of their spiritual leaders. The passion and sincerity of uneducated John the Baptist and New Testament preachers led to revolutional and lasting changes. Would to God today’s preachers would trust God above material gain.


  1. Saw the notoriously FAKE Washington quote at the top, and so did not bother to read the rest of your self-serving screed.

    With regards to your title, the rest of the world views the US as rather dysfunctional, so would suggest that either “America Just Does Not Work WITH Christianity”, or simply “America Just Does Not Work”, as more accurate titles.


    1. Thank you for taking the time to respond. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and yours is noted. The post is intended to reach Christian believers in America. Family needs to talk to family sometimes and come to a meeting of the minds. We will not all agree but, at least for the moment, we are still free to talk.


    2. “America just does not work WITH Christianity”. The modern republic is disfunctional, and it cannot possibly be described as a Christian state. Its foreign and domestic policy are not informed by Christian faith. There is no sensible argument to be made that the nation’s ills stem from Christian virtue. Our roots and accompanying blessing are indesputable historical fact. My fathers have inhabited these happy lands for nearly 400 years and left us detailed geneological records and artifacts.

      The validity of the aforementioned quote may be in question, but Washington had said many things about the necessity of morality and religious (namely Christian) instruction. And if you mean to suggest that he was referring to Hinduism, Talmudic Judaism, Islam or any other custom you’d be mad for they were not the habit of our peoples in that day.

      I thank the author for her kind contributions, and do raise one point of objection; that America has prospered due to its willingness to fight wars on behalf of the disadvantaged OUTSIDE her borders. This, I am afraid, is an over simplification of a very complex issue, and an attitude that was condemned by the nation’s early architects.

      The impact of Jewish ideologues has radically changed church doctrine, cultural norms, and foreign and domestic policy over the last century. This is achieved through their involvement in finance, media, academia, and politics/law. Whereas in times past our institutions were almost exclusively managed by Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Normans, Scotts, and Germans, mainly of the Protestant persuasion. The most influential ethno group in contemporary American culture is undoubtely the Jew. What they lack in number, they account for by seizing key positions that controll the said tone of any organization. The reader has the right to interpret this information in whatever manner they so choose, but know that the leadership has changed and it is a large contributor to the shift in national tone.


      1. Brad,
        Thank you for weighing in. Your comments were directed to Hrafn and perhaps there will be a response. The post was written nearly a year ago and was an attempt among many to appeal to the American public that things will not go well for us if we do not maintain our Christian heritage. A year down the road has brought more rather than less deterioration. Perhaps at some point, these words will ring in the ears of some awakening soul.

        More is being revealed every day about the founding fathers and American history. Of course, history is recorded by the victors according to their perceptive and values. Our predecessors were human as we are today and were subjected to many personal opinions that were sometimes biased, prejudiced or error. We do learn from each other and conversation about our biases could be healthy and healing. We do not all grow at the same level or at the same time. God respects our individuality and so must we. Social media allows all of us from various backgrounds to voice our opinions and maybe see the same information from a different point of view. I believe the nation of America has had all the information and opportunity necessary to sort through the data to find and accept the truth. Even adverse comments allow us to view and consider events from a different perspective. So any Americans and others as well are entrenched in certain mindsets and do not easily accept change. God spoke: “Come now and let us reason together…” (Is 1:18), realizing and respecting the fragility of our minds. The Holy Spirit comforts and helps us through the process of changing from old mindsets to the truth but many do not have the blessing of the Holy Spirit and instead fight change in fear. I have been there and understand the fear of changing from family traditions and beliefs. It is not easy but a necessary journey for spiritual growth. I am sure you know this but I state it for the benefit of other readers.

        God understands the path of the nation of America and heart of its people. He has provided and will continue to provide everything necessary for America to make the shift from tradition and error to the truth. Our conversation helps some in that transition just like others helped me to accept truth. Of course, Jesus is the truth!


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